Maybe Craig and I heard that statement just once too many times—a parent in a TV series or movie passionately repeating, “All every parent wants is for his or her children to be happy!” No. Absolutely, no. That just doesn’t do it for us. And after hearing that plea—reading it in far too many books also—we felt compelled to respond. …
How Do I Care for My Soul? Part One
Practicing Spiritual Disciplines Where’s your soul? Is that inner voice in chaos and you can’t find enough calm to focus? Are you stuck or stalled in your relationship with God? Do you long for more vitality? Do you need a spiritual lift? Maybe you feel a heaviness settling over you, a weariness and tiredness that colors your world? Or …
How Do I Care for My Soul? Part Two
Going Deep to be Lifted Up I (Carolyn) just finished reading Exodus 20:18-21. The first 17 verses of the chapter give us the Ten Commandments, and then we’re transported to Mt. Sinai—where we read about God’s physical manifestations through thunder, lightning, trumpet blasts and a smoky darkness. Not surprisingly, the people “trembled with fear,” so they stayed a distance …
How Do I Care for My Soul? part three
Walking “in the Garden” with Him Relationship. The older I get, the more convinced I am that pursuing relationships should be the single most important driving force of our lives. First we seek to deepen our relationship with God, followed by making a priority of quality and quantity time with family and friends. I hear you: You have a …
And Another Leader Bites the Dust
A few months after our son Robb died, the editor I was working with enquired how I was doing. She asked with sensitive compassion, and since we’d developed enough trust—battling through edits can do that!—I decided to be honest with her. I began my response by saying, “Since it’s you, and I can be real, I can admit that I’m …
The Museum of Endangered Sounds
Today we’re excited to have guest writers again – Dave and Jen Smith. We’re privileged to consider them dear friends, co-laborers in full-time ministry (Dave’s a pastor), resources for any and all things creative, and two truly gifted teachers and writers, as you will soon learn… The Sounds …
Are You an Assassin? And Is the Target…YOU?
I will never understand or relate to those who intentionally hurt themselves. But then I think…hmmm…am I guilty of this somehow too? What am I routinely doing that harms me? What actions damage Craig and my relationship? What causes discord between my family and/or friends and me? Or worst of all—what am I doing to damage my relationship with my God? …